
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics is a one of the executive branches of the government institution of Ethiopia. It is responsible for managing the execution, direction, and coordination of all transportation matters within the country.


By formulating and implementing transport policies and strategies, which supports and accelerates economic growth, by establishing an accessible, integrated, efficient, effective, reliable, affordable and safe transport system, meet the needs of the society and make the sector contribute to the development of the country.


Ensuring the prosperity of Ethiopia by making reliable, integrated, modern and safe transport and logistics services accessible to all sections of the society in 2022.

Core Values

  • Fairness
  • Accessibility
  • Quality; Security and reliable development centers and service connections
  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly transport sector
  • Readiness for change
  • Cusatemer satisfaction
  • Coordination

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Initiate policies and laws, prepare plans and budgets, and upon approval implement same
  • Ensure the enforcement of federal laws.
  • Undertake study and research, collect, compile, and disseminate information.
  • Provide and advice to Regional States, as necessary.
  • Enter into contracts and international agreements in accordance with the law.
  • Direct and coordinate the performance of the executive organs made accountable to it; review their organizational structures, working programs, and budgets, and approve their submission to the appropriate government organs.
  • Supervise the public enterprises made accountable to it and ensure that they operate as development catalysts.
  • Submit periodic performance reports to the prime Minister and the Council of Ministers
  • Promote the expansion of transport services.
  • Ensure that provisions of transport services are in line with the country's development strategy and have equitable regional distribution.